Hot Topics for Acute Physicians: Cardiology

The Institute of Medicine is pleased to continue Hot Topics for Acute Physicians which is a monthly webinar series discussing topics relevant to the acute physician in specialties across the spectrum of medicine.

This webinar will focus on Hot Topics in Cardiology and is a must-attend event for anyone working or interested in the area of cardiology. During the webinar, you will hear from expert speakers who will put a spotlight on the hottest and most relevant topics.

This live webinar is available to Members and Fellows of RCPI, doctors on RCPI training programmes, doctors on RCPI Professional Competence Schemes, all other interested physicians working in medicine, or indeed outside of medicine.

Speakers and Topics

Chairing this session will be Professor Vincent Maher

Dr Emer Joyce – ‘Cardiac Amyloidosis’

Dr Derek Crinion

Dr Matthew Barrett – ‘Cardiac imaging in troponin-positive presentations – moving beyond the coronary lumenogram’

This event is a benefit of RCPI Membership and Fellowship and is FREE for RCPI Trainees, Members and Fellows who are in good standing. There is a €50.00 fee for all other attendees.

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Nov 17 2021


5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Online Event