Prof. Vincent Maher

Online Education Series 2021

8 Feb 2021

Irish Cardiologists of Tomorrow

The ICOT Group are delighted to announce the 2021 Online Education Series aimed at trainees on the Irish Cardiology training scheme and doctors pursuing or considering a career in cardiology.

Run in conjunction with the Irish Board for Training in Cardiovascular Medicine and the Irish Cardiac Society, the ICOT Education Series will cover a range of cardiology topics delivered over ten sessions throughout 2021. Each session will focus on a ESC Core Curriculum topic and will be led by a Cardiology SpR with expert input from members of Ireland’s cardiology trainer faculty.


Launched in March 2015, The Irish Cardiologists of Tomorrow (ICOT) is an initiative for cardiology trainees guided by the Irish Board for Training in Cardiovascular Medicine (IBTCM) and the Irish Cardiac Society (ICS) under the umbrella of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). It is an independent group run by trainees and complementary to current training structures in place.

One of a network of young cardiologist groups across Europe the ICOT group works to support trainees across all levels of the Irish training programme, and encourage and engage with those considering a career in cardiology through the provision of information and resources and the delivery of educational sessions and events.

Pre-registration is required.