Irish Cardiac Society Membership Registration

Pascal McKeown

Welcome to the Irish Cardiac Society Member Website. To gain access to the members only area please complete the registration process.

We hope you will find the website to be a valuable member resource. A continuous work in progress, we welcome your feedback and improvement suggestions.

Prof. Pascal McKeown
President, Irish Cardiac Society

Select Your Membership Type:

Consultant Membership
Membership to the Irish Cardiac Society for Consultant Cardiologists.
Trainee Membership
Membership to the Irish Cardiac Society for Cardiology Trainees.
Retired Membership
Membership to the Irish Cardiac Society for Retired Cardiologists.
Honorary Membership
Membership to the Irish Cardiac Society for Honorary Members.
Membership Payment

Payment for 2024 membership of Irish Cardiac Society.

Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors
Membership to the Irish Cardiac Society for Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors.